The Hang over of Covid Jordi Pujolá skrifar 23. október 2023 10:30 In my opinion, there is no question that the high inflation in Iceland and around the world is because of Covid. The economy is a complicated mechanism that depends on many factors and moves very slowly. Therefore, you always have to wait to see the effects, impact or consequences of some measures or restrictions. Another problem is that we have a very short memory, the media is always looking for fresh content and we tend to associate the current situation with the last event. When the governments were forced to stop the economy (lock downs, quarantine, traveling restrictions, trade restrictions...), apart from not creating any Gross Domestic Product, they had to subside the private companies, the civil servants, buying very expensive health equipment, vaccines, tests... How did they manage to pay the bill? By making money. So, then the inflation started. Now that we’ve come back to normality, we feel the effects of the Covid, but many people are ashamed and don’t want to admit it. But the damage is done and all the countries have to fight the inflation, especially small countries with a volatile currency. I published an article in Vísir on March 2021 warning about the problem of having a high inflation, so I’m not going to insist on that again. The goal of any Central Bank to stop the inflation is to cool down the economy, in other words, to make the Estate, the companies and the people spend less money. This is not a popular decision, but necessary, indeed. And the main (and powerful) economical tool to stop the inflation is to raise the interest rate. That means: Less and more expensive loans. On the other hand, increasing the price of the money impacts negatively on the Gross Domestic Product again, essential exports like fish, and private companies and people with mortgages. So, this means that Iceland is basically taking the risky option of depending almost only on the tourism. This can be an advantage, but only if it’s temporary. The interest raise must be progressive, the results have to be carefully analyzed before heading to another raise, otherwise instead of cooling down the economy we freeze it. The containment of the economy needs to be shared. There are bleeding big holes on the Icelandic economy like Reykjavík city. The capital has a huge dept and it seems that the only way out is increasing taxes. But on the other hand, despite the massive construction (killing the unique charm of Reykjavík) the housing prices are extremely high and the traffic is getting worse. To finish, I think the Central Bank shouldn’t encourage people to take loans indexed to the inflation because even though they are cheaper on the short term, the consequences on the long term are terrible because the debt always grows up. This only favors the banks. The author is a writer and economist. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Mest lesið Kolbrún Pálsdóttir – Öflugur leiðtogi fyrir framtíð Háskóla Íslands Kristín Jónsdóttir,Þórdís Jóna Sigurðardóttir Skoðun Við erum ekki Rússland Sigmar Guðmundsson Skoðun Björn veit að þekking þrífst í samfélagi, ekki í einangrun Magnea Rut Gunnarsdóttir Skoðun Er ný ESB-langavitleysa íslenzkrar ríkisstjórnar í uppsiglingu? Ole Anton Bieltvedt Skoðun Silja Bára - öflugur málsvari sjálfbærni og loftslagsmála Íris Lind Sæmundsdóttir Skoðun Af hverju veljum við Silju Báru? Auður Birna Stefánsdóttir,Pia Hansson Skoðun Íslendingar eru dónalegir, óhófsamir, þjófóttir villimenn Sif Sigmarsdóttir Fastir pennar Evrópusambandið og upplýsingalæsi Ægir Örn Arnarson Skoðun Samskipti: Lykillinn að vellíðan og árangri í vinnuumhverfi Ásta Guðrún Guðbrandsdóttir Skoðun Sagnaarfur Biblíunnar – Davíð og Golíat, hugrekki og berskjöldun Dr. Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Rektorskjör HÍ Soffía Auður Birgisdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hagsmunir háskólanema í rektorskjöri Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Evrópusambandið og upplýsingalæsi Ægir Örn Arnarson skrifar Skoðun Björn veit að þekking þrífst í samfélagi, ekki í einangrun Magnea Rut Gunnarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Silja Bára - öflugur málsvari sjálfbærni og loftslagsmála Íris Lind Sæmundsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Af hverju veljum við Silju Báru? Auður Birna Stefánsdóttir,Pia Hansson skrifar Skoðun Við erum ekki Rússland Sigmar Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Kolbrún Pálsdóttir – Öflugur leiðtogi fyrir framtíð Háskóla Íslands Kristín Jónsdóttir,Þórdís Jóna Sigurðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Er ný ESB-langavitleysa íslenzkrar ríkisstjórnar í uppsiglingu? Ole Anton Bieltvedt skrifar Skoðun Samskipti: Lykillinn að vellíðan og árangri í vinnuumhverfi Ásta Guðrún Guðbrandsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Ríkisábyrgð á 1.490 milljarða króna? Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Sagnaarfur Biblíunnar – Davíð og Golíat, hugrekki og berskjöldun Dr. Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Hver reif kjaft við hvern? Gunnar Hólmsteinn Ársælsson skrifar Skoðun Alþjóðlegt samstarf er forsenda öruggra landamæra Jón Pétur Jónsson,Íris Björg Kristjánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Háskólasamfélag á tímamótum - Silja Bára sem næsti rektor HÍ Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Kjósum opnara grunnnám Toby Erik Wikström skrifar Skoðun Magnús Karl er hæfastur rektorsframbjóðenda Ástráður Eysteinsson skrifar Skoðun Betri starfsaðstæður og skilvirkari háskóli Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvers vegna styð ég Magnús Karl í kjöri til rektors Háskóla Íslands? Ingileif Jónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Allt fyrir samansúrrað pólitískt og peningalegt vald? Arnar Þór Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Vopnakaup íslenska ráðamanna Friðrik Erlingsson skrifar Skoðun Samstaðan er óstöðvandi afl Helga Þórey Júlíudóttir skrifar Skoðun Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir – rétti leiðtoginn fyrir Háskóla Íslands Hafliði Ásgeirsson,Eyjólfur Brynjar Eyjólfsson,Þorbjörg St. Þorsteinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hegða sér eins og ofdekraðir unglingar Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Af hverju ættu nemendur að kjósa Magnús Karl sem rektor HÍ? Eygló Sóley Hróðmarsdóttir Löve,Daníel Thor Myer skrifar Skoðun Við mótmælum nýbyggingum í Neðra Breiðholtinu Jökull Þór Sveinsson,Hlynur Ingi Jóhannsson skrifar Skoðun Er „sam-búð“ búsetuform 21. aldar og lausn við háum byggingakostnaði? Sara Björg Sigurðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Tryggjum framtíð endurnýjanlegrar orku á Íslandi Íris Lind Sæmundsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Reynsla, framtíðarsýn og kjarkur Silju Báru Anna Helga Jónsdóttir,Sigurður Örn Stefánsson skrifar Skoðun Gunnar Smári hvað er hann? Birgir Dýrfjörð skrifar Sjá meira
In my opinion, there is no question that the high inflation in Iceland and around the world is because of Covid. The economy is a complicated mechanism that depends on many factors and moves very slowly. Therefore, you always have to wait to see the effects, impact or consequences of some measures or restrictions. Another problem is that we have a very short memory, the media is always looking for fresh content and we tend to associate the current situation with the last event. When the governments were forced to stop the economy (lock downs, quarantine, traveling restrictions, trade restrictions...), apart from not creating any Gross Domestic Product, they had to subside the private companies, the civil servants, buying very expensive health equipment, vaccines, tests... How did they manage to pay the bill? By making money. So, then the inflation started. Now that we’ve come back to normality, we feel the effects of the Covid, but many people are ashamed and don’t want to admit it. But the damage is done and all the countries have to fight the inflation, especially small countries with a volatile currency. I published an article in Vísir on March 2021 warning about the problem of having a high inflation, so I’m not going to insist on that again. The goal of any Central Bank to stop the inflation is to cool down the economy, in other words, to make the Estate, the companies and the people spend less money. This is not a popular decision, but necessary, indeed. And the main (and powerful) economical tool to stop the inflation is to raise the interest rate. That means: Less and more expensive loans. On the other hand, increasing the price of the money impacts negatively on the Gross Domestic Product again, essential exports like fish, and private companies and people with mortgages. So, this means that Iceland is basically taking the risky option of depending almost only on the tourism. This can be an advantage, but only if it’s temporary. The interest raise must be progressive, the results have to be carefully analyzed before heading to another raise, otherwise instead of cooling down the economy we freeze it. The containment of the economy needs to be shared. There are bleeding big holes on the Icelandic economy like Reykjavík city. The capital has a huge dept and it seems that the only way out is increasing taxes. But on the other hand, despite the massive construction (killing the unique charm of Reykjavík) the housing prices are extremely high and the traffic is getting worse. To finish, I think the Central Bank shouldn’t encourage people to take loans indexed to the inflation because even though they are cheaper on the short term, the consequences on the long term are terrible because the debt always grows up. This only favors the banks. The author is a writer and economist.
Kolbrún Pálsdóttir – Öflugur leiðtogi fyrir framtíð Háskóla Íslands Kristín Jónsdóttir,Þórdís Jóna Sigurðardóttir Skoðun
Skoðun Björn veit að þekking þrífst í samfélagi, ekki í einangrun Magnea Rut Gunnarsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Kolbrún Pálsdóttir – Öflugur leiðtogi fyrir framtíð Háskóla Íslands Kristín Jónsdóttir,Þórdís Jóna Sigurðardóttir skrifar
Skoðun Samskipti: Lykillinn að vellíðan og árangri í vinnuumhverfi Ásta Guðrún Guðbrandsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Sagnaarfur Biblíunnar – Davíð og Golíat, hugrekki og berskjöldun Dr. Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson skrifar
Skoðun Alþjóðlegt samstarf er forsenda öruggra landamæra Jón Pétur Jónsson,Íris Björg Kristjánsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Háskólasamfélag á tímamótum - Silja Bára sem næsti rektor HÍ Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Hvers vegna styð ég Magnús Karl í kjöri til rektors Háskóla Íslands? Ingileif Jónsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir – rétti leiðtoginn fyrir Háskóla Íslands Hafliði Ásgeirsson,Eyjólfur Brynjar Eyjólfsson,Þorbjörg St. Þorsteinsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Af hverju ættu nemendur að kjósa Magnús Karl sem rektor HÍ? Eygló Sóley Hróðmarsdóttir Löve,Daníel Thor Myer skrifar
Skoðun Við mótmælum nýbyggingum í Neðra Breiðholtinu Jökull Þór Sveinsson,Hlynur Ingi Jóhannsson skrifar
Skoðun Er „sam-búð“ búsetuform 21. aldar og lausn við háum byggingakostnaði? Sara Björg Sigurðardóttir skrifar
Skoðun Reynsla, framtíðarsýn og kjarkur Silju Báru Anna Helga Jónsdóttir,Sigurður Örn Stefánsson skrifar
Kolbrún Pálsdóttir – Öflugur leiðtogi fyrir framtíð Háskóla Íslands Kristín Jónsdóttir,Þórdís Jóna Sigurðardóttir Skoðun