
Björgvin Karl upp um eitt sæti á heimsleikunum 57 dögum eftir að keppni lauk

Óskar Ófeigur Jónsson skrifar
Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson.
Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson. Mynd/Instagram/Björgvin Karl
Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson endaði í fimmta sæti en ekki því sjötta á heimsleikunum í crossfit sem lauk í Madison í ágúst.

Björgvin Karl fór upp um eitt sæti á listanum 57 dögum eftir að keppni lauk en ástæðan er að Ricky Garard féll á lyfjaprófi og var dæmdur úr leik.

Þetta er í fyrsta sinn sem keppendur á heimsleikunum falla á lyfjaprófi samkvæmt frétt á heimasíðu The CrossFit Games.

Ricky Garard endaði í þriðja sæti á heimsleikunum á eftir þeim Matthew Fraser og Brent Fikowski. Patrick Vellner fær nú þriðja sætið eftir brottvísun Garard.

Ricky Garard var dæmdur úr keppni ásamt tveimur öðrum keppendum. Það voru Tony Turski sem keppti í flokki 55 til 59 ára og endaði þar í öðru sæti og svo hin 52 ára gamla Josée Sarda sem vann flokk 50 til 54 ára hjá konunum.

Ástralinn Garard tapar ekki aðeins þriðja sætinu heldur einnig verðlaunafénu sem var 76 þúsund dollarar eða rúmlega átta milljónir í íslenskum krónum. 

All of a sudden the Open, the Regionals and the Games are finished When I look at the past days, weeks and months I truly am proud of myself The “Open” was really fun and the “Meridian Regionals” went absolutely as planned with a first place finish. Then 100% of my focus was diverted to the Games. Me, Frederik and Annie joined forces and had a really good training camp in Fond Du Lac and once the Games started in Madison I was as ready as I have ever been. I would have loved to finish on the podium again but a 6th place finish is something I am absolutely happy about. I have proved to myself that I'm one of the top 8 in the world for the third time in a row but I hunger for more and I´ve got the ambition to reach higher This weekend there were ups and downs and a massive amount of experience was gained. I have a clear vision on where I want to be next year and even though I'm SO sore and tired right now I really can't wait to go back to the gym to kickstart 2018 season! I want to thank so many people for their help but there are few people that stand out here @TheTrainingPlan. My coach Jami Tikkanen who has in small and detailed measures helped me raise my game to a new level @AnnieThorisdottir and @FrederikAegidius. My friends and main training partners for giving me an extra push in every session, every day @Reebok. My main sportswear and apparel sponsor that provides me with the wear to excel @Xendurance. For being the creator of excellent products and for being an excellent sponsor @RockTape. For the support products that make me go longer, stronger @RPstrength. For guiding me and supporting me through the dietary aspects of being a Crossfit athlete  @Bakland_Rvk. My manager @SnorriBaron for having my back and keeping things in motion AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST ... • @Katlaket. For keeping me grounded and focussed. For being my biggest supporter and greatest motivator. For following me to the competition floor and making sure that I have everything I need whenever I need it. And of course for being the one and only love of my life #CrossFit #CrossFitGames #CrossFitGames2017

A post shared by Björgvin K. Guðmundsson (@bk_gudmundsson) on Aug 8, 2017 at 4:26pm PDT


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Anníe Mist, Sara og Björgvin í þakkarhópi heimsleikanna | Myndband

Íslenska crossfit-fólkið Anníe Mist Þórisdóttir, Ragnheiður Sara Sigmundsdóttir og Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson voru valin til þess að þakka öllum áhorfendunum, öllu starfsfólkinu og öllum sjálfboðaliðunum fyrir vel heppnaða heimsleika og vel heppnað crossfit-tímabil.

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