Ólafur Arnalds Release New Song and Video By Jess Distill 25. september 2020 16:00 Ólafur Arnalds. Benjamin Hardman Renowned Multi-instrumentalist and composer Ólafur Arnalds released a new single, ‘Woven Song’, from his upcoming album earlier this week. On Youtube, Ólafur Explains the inspiration for the song: “This was one of the first songs I wrote for ‘Some Kind of Peace’ but it ended up becoming a defining moment. It’s a metaphor for being embraced by something larger than yourself whilst exploring new territories, the feeling of being held while you open your heart.” The video, directed by Thomas Vanz, is made up of a series of dreamy patterns, created using acrylic paint pouring techniques, recreating the patterns and visions induced by ayahuasca, an hallucinogenic tea used in rituals in South America. Ólafur was supposed to have started his tour this week, to promote the new album ‘Some Kind of Peace’, but plans got cancelled due to the pandemic. Yesterday he tweeted “I should be on a bus en route to London to play the first show of many. This tiny little virus has further confirmed that we are not in control of our destinies. But we can control how we react to it.” ‘Some Kind of Peace’ is out on November 6th and is available to pre order HERE You can watch the video for ‘Woven Song’ below: watch on YouTube The post Ólafur Arnalds Release New Song and Video appeared first on The Reykjavik Grapevine. Note: Due to the effect the Coronavirus is having on tourism in Iceland, it’s become increasingly difficult for the Grapevine to survive. If you enjoy Grapevine’s content and want to help it’s journalists do things like eat and pay rent, please consider joining the High Five Club. You can also check out Grapevine’s shop, loaded with books, apparel and other cool merch, that you can buy and have delivered right to your door. Mest lesið „Græna gímaldið“ minni helst á braggamálið og ábyrgðin liggi hjá borgarstjóra Innlent Farið yfir feril Bjarna: Spáði því að hann ætti nóg eftir fyrir átján árum Innlent Trump yngri á leið til Grænlands Erlent Bjarni farsæll en hefur alltaf átt sér óvildarmenn Innlent Kennari fékk ekki að bregðast við slæmum umsögnum í ráðningarferli Innlent Trump-liðar vilja stöðva birtingu skýrslu Smiths Erlent Þorgerður Katrín í Úkraínu Innlent Eldur í sjö ruslagámum á einum sólarhring Innlent Geta loksins kvatt drenginn sinn heima á Íslandi Innlent Hver tekur við af Bjarna? Þetta eru nöfnin sem oftast eru nefnd Innlent
Renowned Multi-instrumentalist and composer Ólafur Arnalds released a new single, ‘Woven Song’, from his upcoming album earlier this week. On Youtube, Ólafur Explains the inspiration for the song: “This was one of the first songs I wrote for ‘Some Kind of Peace’ but it ended up becoming a defining moment. It’s a metaphor for being embraced by something larger than yourself whilst exploring new territories, the feeling of being held while you open your heart.” The video, directed by Thomas Vanz, is made up of a series of dreamy patterns, created using acrylic paint pouring techniques, recreating the patterns and visions induced by ayahuasca, an hallucinogenic tea used in rituals in South America. Ólafur was supposed to have started his tour this week, to promote the new album ‘Some Kind of Peace’, but plans got cancelled due to the pandemic. Yesterday he tweeted “I should be on a bus en route to London to play the first show of many. This tiny little virus has further confirmed that we are not in control of our destinies. But we can control how we react to it.” ‘Some Kind of Peace’ is out on November 6th and is available to pre order HERE You can watch the video for ‘Woven Song’ below: watch on YouTube The post Ólafur Arnalds Release New Song and Video appeared first on The Reykjavik Grapevine. Note: Due to the effect the Coronavirus is having on tourism in Iceland, it’s become increasingly difficult for the Grapevine to survive. If you enjoy Grapevine’s content and want to help it’s journalists do things like eat and pay rent, please consider joining the High Five Club. You can also check out Grapevine’s shop, loaded with books, apparel and other cool merch, that you can buy and have delivered right to your door.
Note: Due to the effect the Coronavirus is having on tourism in Iceland, it’s become increasingly difficult for the Grapevine to survive. If you enjoy Grapevine’s content and want to help it’s journalists do things like eat and pay rent, please consider joining the High Five Club. You can also check out Grapevine’s shop, loaded with books, apparel and other cool merch, that you can buy and have delivered right to your door.
Mest lesið „Græna gímaldið“ minni helst á braggamálið og ábyrgðin liggi hjá borgarstjóra Innlent Farið yfir feril Bjarna: Spáði því að hann ætti nóg eftir fyrir átján árum Innlent Trump yngri á leið til Grænlands Erlent Bjarni farsæll en hefur alltaf átt sér óvildarmenn Innlent Kennari fékk ekki að bregðast við slæmum umsögnum í ráðningarferli Innlent Trump-liðar vilja stöðva birtingu skýrslu Smiths Erlent Þorgerður Katrín í Úkraínu Innlent Eldur í sjö ruslagámum á einum sólarhring Innlent Geta loksins kvatt drenginn sinn heima á Íslandi Innlent Hver tekur við af Bjarna? Þetta eru nöfnin sem oftast eru nefnd Innlent