Ómar Ragnarsson Becomes Party Chairman 22. mars 2007 22:04 At a press conference held today, the representatives of a new political party, Íslandshreyfingin (The Icelandic Movement) announced their candidature for the parliamentary elections in May. At the moment, the party’s organisation counts seven individuals, including environmental crusader and former TV reporter Ómar Ragnarsson, who has been temporarily nominated as the chairman, former Liberal Party manager, Margrét Sverrisdóttir as vice-chairman, and Jakob Frímann Magnússon who seceded from the Social Democratic Alliance in February. The Icelandic Movement will place the main emphasis on environmental issues. At the press conference today, Ómar Ragnarsson explained that the party will focus on keeping the environmen in the spotlight and fight against further heavy industry projects as well as emphasizing on innovation, general welfare, equality and increased democracy. The party’s policy will be introduced in the next couple of days. News News in English Mest lesið Sigurjón lenti fyrir bíl: „Þetta er alveg lygilegt“ Innlent Biden segir vopnahlésviðræður á lokametrunum Erlent Fjölgun ferðamanna hefur áhrif á útköll Landhelgisgæslunnar Innlent Viðvarandi verkefni að finna jafnvægi milli íhalds og frjálslyndis Innlent Sakborningur í Sólheimajökulsmáli ákærður fyrir tilraun til manndráps Innlent Grét og sagði líf sitt búið eftir að hafa stungið þrjá Innlent Að minnsta kosti 24 látnir Erlent Hafa hirt tugi hræja í höfuðborginni og fleiri kettir sendir í sýnatöku Innlent Týnd atkvæði séu ekki einsdæmi Innlent Þáttur hinna mannanna rannsakaður í þaula Innlent
At a press conference held today, the representatives of a new political party, Íslandshreyfingin (The Icelandic Movement) announced their candidature for the parliamentary elections in May. At the moment, the party’s organisation counts seven individuals, including environmental crusader and former TV reporter Ómar Ragnarsson, who has been temporarily nominated as the chairman, former Liberal Party manager, Margrét Sverrisdóttir as vice-chairman, and Jakob Frímann Magnússon who seceded from the Social Democratic Alliance in February. The Icelandic Movement will place the main emphasis on environmental issues. At the press conference today, Ómar Ragnarsson explained that the party will focus on keeping the environmen in the spotlight and fight against further heavy industry projects as well as emphasizing on innovation, general welfare, equality and increased democracy. The party’s policy will be introduced in the next couple of days.
News News in English Mest lesið Sigurjón lenti fyrir bíl: „Þetta er alveg lygilegt“ Innlent Biden segir vopnahlésviðræður á lokametrunum Erlent Fjölgun ferðamanna hefur áhrif á útköll Landhelgisgæslunnar Innlent Viðvarandi verkefni að finna jafnvægi milli íhalds og frjálslyndis Innlent Sakborningur í Sólheimajökulsmáli ákærður fyrir tilraun til manndráps Innlent Grét og sagði líf sitt búið eftir að hafa stungið þrjá Innlent Að minnsta kosti 24 látnir Erlent Hafa hirt tugi hræja í höfuðborginni og fleiri kettir sendir í sýnatöku Innlent Týnd atkvæði séu ekki einsdæmi Innlent Þáttur hinna mannanna rannsakaður í þaula Innlent