Little interest in whale meat 12. september 2006 12:48 Úlfar Eysteinsson á veitingarstaðnum 3 frakkar með hvalkjöt According to Árni Mathiesen, Minister of Fisheries, Icelanders will be taking up commercial whaling again this autumn, and in light of this, the Icelandic Association for the Protection of Nature has released the results of a Gallup poll on the popularity of whale meat. According to the poll, only 1,1 percent of Icelanders eat whale meat once per week, but 82,4 percent of people aged 16-24 never eat whale meat. In an announcement from the association it says that this shows little national interest in whale meat. " The current policy of the Minister of Fisheries, in blaming whales for the diminishing cod stock does not comply to scientific methods. If the minister is serious about building up cod stock in Icelandic waters he should comply to the International Marine Research Institute on cod fishing quotas. Unfortunately the Minister has refuted this advice. News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Ógeðfelldar lýsingar í ákæru á hendur Kristjáni Markúsi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent Segja upp samningum 2.300 félagsmanna sem vinna á hjúkrunarheimilum Innlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Lögreglan lýsir dauða Hackman og konu hans sem „grunsamlegum“ Erlent Flokki fólksins einum refsað Innlent „En við munum sjá til þess að allt fari vel“ Erlent
According to Árni Mathiesen, Minister of Fisheries, Icelanders will be taking up commercial whaling again this autumn, and in light of this, the Icelandic Association for the Protection of Nature has released the results of a Gallup poll on the popularity of whale meat. According to the poll, only 1,1 percent of Icelanders eat whale meat once per week, but 82,4 percent of people aged 16-24 never eat whale meat. In an announcement from the association it says that this shows little national interest in whale meat. " The current policy of the Minister of Fisheries, in blaming whales for the diminishing cod stock does not comply to scientific methods. If the minister is serious about building up cod stock in Icelandic waters he should comply to the International Marine Research Institute on cod fishing quotas. Unfortunately the Minister has refuted this advice.
News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Ógeðfelldar lýsingar í ákæru á hendur Kristjáni Markúsi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent Segja upp samningum 2.300 félagsmanna sem vinna á hjúkrunarheimilum Innlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Lögreglan lýsir dauða Hackman og konu hans sem „grunsamlegum“ Erlent Flokki fólksins einum refsað Innlent „En við munum sjá til þess að allt fari vel“ Erlent