Watch, not hunt 15. júní 2006 00:01 Hvalveiðibáturinn Trausti, Reykjavíkurhöfn MYND/hörður The Whale Watching Association of Iceland has issued a statement of protest against the upoming hunting of 50 minke whales scheduled for this summer. In addition, they have asked that there be no whale hunting in whale watching areas, as they believe this undercuts their livelihood. A particular point of contention for the group is the plan put forth by the Icelandic Sea Resarch Institute to the International Whaling Commission in 2003, when Iceland sought to hunt 200 minke whales for scientific purposes. If 50 minkes are hunted this summer, this quota will then be finished, but the Whale Watching Assocation counters that 200 fin whales and 100 sei whales were also slated to be hunted in the 2003 plane, and have not yet none had been. The objections raised by the Whale Watching Association has been supported by a number of tourist groups, including the Icelandic Tourist Board. It should be noted that while tourism is one of Iceland's major industries, whaling depends on government subsidies to stay in operation, whether for scientific purposes or not. News News in English Mest lesið Grét og sagði líf sitt búið eftir að hafa stungið þrjá Innlent Þáttur hinna mannanna rannsakaður í þaula Innlent Nefndir þingsins að taka á sig mynd Innlent Stærsta kristal-amfetamínmál sögunnar komið til saksóknara Innlent Hlaup hafið úr Grímsvötnum Innlent Nýtt hljóðmerki bílaeigendum til ama Innlent Utankjörfundaratkvæði dagaði uppi á bæjarskrifstofum Kópavogs Innlent Heldur því fram að Efling sé hið raunverulega „gervistéttarfélag“ Innlent Hnjúkaþeyrinn sem knýr áfram eldana mannskæðu í Los Angeles Erlent Sakborningur í Sólheimajökulsmáli ákærður fyrir tilraun til manndráps Innlent
The Whale Watching Association of Iceland has issued a statement of protest against the upoming hunting of 50 minke whales scheduled for this summer. In addition, they have asked that there be no whale hunting in whale watching areas, as they believe this undercuts their livelihood. A particular point of contention for the group is the plan put forth by the Icelandic Sea Resarch Institute to the International Whaling Commission in 2003, when Iceland sought to hunt 200 minke whales for scientific purposes. If 50 minkes are hunted this summer, this quota will then be finished, but the Whale Watching Assocation counters that 200 fin whales and 100 sei whales were also slated to be hunted in the 2003 plane, and have not yet none had been. The objections raised by the Whale Watching Association has been supported by a number of tourist groups, including the Icelandic Tourist Board. It should be noted that while tourism is one of Iceland's major industries, whaling depends on government subsidies to stay in operation, whether for scientific purposes or not.
News News in English Mest lesið Grét og sagði líf sitt búið eftir að hafa stungið þrjá Innlent Þáttur hinna mannanna rannsakaður í þaula Innlent Nefndir þingsins að taka á sig mynd Innlent Stærsta kristal-amfetamínmál sögunnar komið til saksóknara Innlent Hlaup hafið úr Grímsvötnum Innlent Nýtt hljóðmerki bílaeigendum til ama Innlent Utankjörfundaratkvæði dagaði uppi á bæjarskrifstofum Kópavogs Innlent Heldur því fram að Efling sé hið raunverulega „gervistéttarfélag“ Innlent Hnjúkaþeyrinn sem knýr áfram eldana mannskæðu í Los Angeles Erlent Sakborningur í Sólheimajökulsmáli ákærður fyrir tilraun til manndráps Innlent