Fashion Photography 13. júní 2006 00:01 exhibition Charlie Strand The first exhibition from Icelandic/English fashion photographer Charlie Strand was a hip and flashy event. Launched at the Comme des Garcons boutique at Myrargata 2-8 it managed to attract both trendy locals as well as fashion editors from ID magazine,Visionaire,and a number of other top fashion magazines. Renowned Fashion blogger Diane Pernet was in attendance,and spoke to the photographer about styling and Belgian fashion.The show named "The dark side of nature" was as Charlie put it "A taste of things to come" and promises more exhibitions in the near future. News in English Shopping and fashion Mest lesið Sigurjón lenti fyrir bíl: „Þetta er alveg lygilegt“ Innlent Biden segir vopnahlésviðræður á lokametrunum Erlent Fjölgun ferðamanna hefur áhrif á útköll Landhelgisgæslunnar Innlent Viðvarandi verkefni að finna jafnvægi milli íhalds og frjálslyndis Innlent Sakborningur í Sólheimajökulsmáli ákærður fyrir tilraun til manndráps Innlent Grét og sagði líf sitt búið eftir að hafa stungið þrjá Innlent Að minnsta kosti 24 látnir Erlent Hafa hirt tugi hræja í höfuðborginni og fleiri kettir sendir í sýnatöku Innlent Týnd atkvæði séu ekki einsdæmi Innlent Þáttur hinna mannanna rannsakaður í þaula Innlent
The first exhibition from Icelandic/English fashion photographer Charlie Strand was a hip and flashy event. Launched at the Comme des Garcons boutique at Myrargata 2-8 it managed to attract both trendy locals as well as fashion editors from ID magazine,Visionaire,and a number of other top fashion magazines. Renowned Fashion blogger Diane Pernet was in attendance,and spoke to the photographer about styling and Belgian fashion.The show named "The dark side of nature" was as Charlie put it "A taste of things to come" and promises more exhibitions in the near future.
News in English Shopping and fashion Mest lesið Sigurjón lenti fyrir bíl: „Þetta er alveg lygilegt“ Innlent Biden segir vopnahlésviðræður á lokametrunum Erlent Fjölgun ferðamanna hefur áhrif á útköll Landhelgisgæslunnar Innlent Viðvarandi verkefni að finna jafnvægi milli íhalds og frjálslyndis Innlent Sakborningur í Sólheimajökulsmáli ákærður fyrir tilraun til manndráps Innlent Grét og sagði líf sitt búið eftir að hafa stungið þrjá Innlent Að minnsta kosti 24 látnir Erlent Hafa hirt tugi hræja í höfuðborginni og fleiri kettir sendir í sýnatöku Innlent Týnd atkvæði séu ekki einsdæmi Innlent Þáttur hinna mannanna rannsakaður í þaula Innlent