Will Oldham records in Reykjavik 2. júní 2006 11:07 Icelandic singer Bjork performs during her concert at Opera in Rome November 10, 2001. Bjork is on a two dates tour in Italy. REUTERS/Alessia Pierdomenico Björk Guðmundsdóttir The musician Will Oldham will release a new album titled Then The Letting Go next fall. The album was recorded in studio Gróðurhúsið here in Reykjavík, and produced by the owner Valgeir Sigurðusson. Valgeir is best known for being Björk's producer and right hand man. "I think it's a new sound for him" Valgeir said in a interview with Fréttablaðið, "that's why he chose to work with me." Will Oldham who usually goes by the name Bonnie "Prince" Billie is known for working with new people on every album. His music has been labelled alt-country and he is certainly a legend in the indie world. Oldham came to Iceland with a five piece band and the album was recorded last December and mixed in January. Valgeir says it was a certain risk to bring Oldham to Iceland to record this album but it all worked out in the end. Both men have worked with Björk. They met backstage one night and Oldham became interested Valgeir's work, so they kept in touch regarding possible collaboration. After working together in the studio when Oldham sang one song for Björk's latest album Drawing Restraint they decided Valgeir would produce this album. Asked whether this is his biggest project so far Valgeir said it was hard to tell, "a lot of people are very excited about the album and waiting anxiously for it to come out." However, working for Björk is high up there on his list of achievements. "Me and Björk worked together for years but of course I have no idea where this record will lead me." - hbv News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent „En við munum sjá til þess að allt fari vel“ Erlent „Að gera þetta svona rétt fyrir sauðburð þykir okkur mjög grimmilegt“ Innlent Skoðaði staðsetningu stúlkunnar hátt í 150 sinnum fyrir árásina Innlent Ölvaður, réttindalaus og með barn í bílnum Innlent „Höfum verulegar áhyggjur af þeirri hlið málsins“ Innlent
The musician Will Oldham will release a new album titled Then The Letting Go next fall. The album was recorded in studio Gróðurhúsið here in Reykjavík, and produced by the owner Valgeir Sigurðusson. Valgeir is best known for being Björk's producer and right hand man. "I think it's a new sound for him" Valgeir said in a interview with Fréttablaðið, "that's why he chose to work with me." Will Oldham who usually goes by the name Bonnie "Prince" Billie is known for working with new people on every album. His music has been labelled alt-country and he is certainly a legend in the indie world. Oldham came to Iceland with a five piece band and the album was recorded last December and mixed in January. Valgeir says it was a certain risk to bring Oldham to Iceland to record this album but it all worked out in the end. Both men have worked with Björk. They met backstage one night and Oldham became interested Valgeir's work, so they kept in touch regarding possible collaboration. After working together in the studio when Oldham sang one song for Björk's latest album Drawing Restraint they decided Valgeir would produce this album. Asked whether this is his biggest project so far Valgeir said it was hard to tell, "a lot of people are very excited about the album and waiting anxiously for it to come out." However, working for Björk is high up there on his list of achievements. "Me and Björk worked together for years but of course I have no idea where this record will lead me." - hbv
News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent „En við munum sjá til þess að allt fari vel“ Erlent „Að gera þetta svona rétt fyrir sauðburð þykir okkur mjög grimmilegt“ Innlent Skoðaði staðsetningu stúlkunnar hátt í 150 sinnum fyrir árásina Innlent Ölvaður, réttindalaus og með barn í bílnum Innlent „Höfum verulegar áhyggjur af þeirri hlið málsins“ Innlent